A Gum Care Treatment Can Improve Your Oral Health

GumWhen you want to improve your oral health, visit Lee Dentistry for gum care treatment. We can care for your gums and teeth in order to prevent gum disease, and we can also diagnose and treat your gums if you already have gum disease. We will ensure through a variety of treatments that we will maintain your great oral hygiene.

The execution of our treatments depends on the state of your gum disease if you have it at all. If you have had earlier treatments, those will also be taken into consideration to determine if we need to use a more extensive method. Our gum care treatment ranges from nonsurgical cleaning to restorative laser or traditional gum surgery. If you do not already have gum disease, it is important to consider receiving preventative cleaning and therapy to reduce the growth of bacteria on your gums and teeth.

Non-surgical Gum Care Treatment

We offer non-surgical gum care treatment and more invasive gum care treatment as necessary. Our more common non-surgical treatments are listed below.

Dental Cleaning: This may sound simple, but a dental cleaning is incredibly important to your oral health. During your checkup, we will remove plaque and any tartar that has built up. Tartar is a hardened plaque that if left alone will cause gum disease. We will remove bacteria and tartar from your teeth and under your gumline. You should have your teeth professionally cleaned at least twice a year.

Scaling and Root Planing: Our scaling and root planing gum care treatment is used to remove tartar from deep below your gum line and from around your roots. We often perform this treatment with you under a local anesthetic when we believe gum disease is developing. We will also remove and smooth tartar from your teeth. This will prevent mild gum disease from growing more severe and turning into periodontal disease.

Surgical Gum Care Treatment

We can also discuss surgical gum care treatment when it is necessary. If needed, we may suggest that you visit an oral surgeon.

Flap Surgery: This form of surgery, also known as pocket reduction surgery, is used to lift gums and remove tartar. This is performed when tartar has grown too deep and too hard for a simple scaling and root planing to take care of. Removing the tartar will allow your gums to rest more smoothly against your teeth again, preventing them from loosening and receding.

Bone and Tissue Grafts: These procedures involve replacing bone and gum tissue that has been destroyed by gum disease. We will access new tissue from a variety of places to fill in areas that have been weakened or lost.

Tissue regeneration and even more extensive procedures can also be performed if you need them. Our gum care treatment is all-encompassing, so you know you will have the healthiest gums possible after a visit to our Silver Spring office. For more information about how we can help you improve your oral health, call us at (301) 605-1123 or visit.

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