7 Signs of Sleep Apnea


At Lee Dentistry, we treat sleep apnea, helping our patients to improve their quality of sleep and overall energy. As a Silver Spring, MD sleep apnea dentist, we have watched as our patients have improved their overall health and wellbeing after using our simple treatment method.  If you think that you may have sleep apnea, we encourage you to call (301) 605-1123 and schedule an appointment with our 20902 sleep apnea dentist office.  In the meantime, here are 7 signs of sleep apnea that you should watch for –

  1. You nod off at the computer.
  2. You have difficulty staying focused or even awake while driving.
  3. You fall asleep after dinner or while watching television.
  4. The energy to play sports or go for a walk is gone.
  5. Snoring or loud choking noises are waking you up at night.
  6. Your blood pressure has gone up.
  7. You constantly feel sick and tired.

As a sleep apnea dentist, we know that a lack of oxygen while you are sleeping can lead to additional health problems like hypertension, high blood pressure, uncontrolled blood sugar, a compromised immune system, and an increased risk for having a heart attack.  This is in addition to reducing your overall quality of life.  It is not worth risking your health when you can visit our Silver Spring, MD office for treatment.  At Lee Dentistry, we use non-invasive methods that are simple yet effective.  To learn more or to schedule an appointment with our 20902 dental office, call (301) 605-1123.

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